A Guide To Professional At-Home Teeth Whitening

Most of us dream of having that dazzling, white smile, but with countless cups of tea, coffee and the occasional glass of red wine comes discolouration and yellowing. If you’re looking to restore your smile, you may be considering at-home teeth whitening. To help you make the right decision, we compare the benefits of professional at-home teeth whitening to over the counter alternatives and discuss how our clinic can help get you achieve a brighter smile.

Before And After Results Of Teeth Whitening — Advanced Dental Southern Highlands In Moss Vale, NSW

Why Choose Professional At-Home Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a process that lightens teeth by removing stains and discolouration. Over-the-counter products can offer some level of brightness, but often fall short of expectations. Professional teeth whitening treatments, however, offer more dramatic and longer-lasting results. Professional at-home whitening kits contain higher chemical concentrations than over the counter alternatives and are not diluted with extra ingredients, providing greater results in less time.

Boutique At-Home Teeth Whitening

At Advanced Dental Southern Highlands, we supply Boutique whitening, a professional tooth whitening brand only supplied to dentists. Trusted globally by thousands of dentists and renowned for producing incredible results at affordable prices, this at-home whitening gel is quick, convenient and cost effective.

Boutique whitening kits are available after just one short appointment and refills are available to purchase if required. Our dentists will show you how to apply the whitening treatments safety to protect your mouth and gums from the whitening agents, reducing your risk of sensitivity.

The Benefits Of Boutique Whitening:

  • High quality whitening agents: Boutique whitening gels contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide for great results every time. There are no unnecessary additives such as Triethanolamine, Papain and Bromelain, making them far superior to over-the-counter products.
  • Whiten during the day or while you sleep: Choose from Boutique by Day or Boutique by Night to suit your needs. Choose Boutique by Day 6% to whiten with just 1.5 hours wear time per day or Boutique by Day 9% to whiten with 30 minutes wear time per day. Boutique by Night whitens while you sleep and is available in 10% and 16% formulations depending on your sensitivity levels.
  • Specially designed whitening trays: These trays provide hybrid pressure and vacuum formed process, as well as sealed gingival margins for better results and reduced sensitivity. They also contain targeted ‘dosing dots’ to help you administer the correct quantity of gel each time.

Looking For Professional Teeth Whitening In Moss Vale?

Contact Advanced Dental Southern Highlands to book a consultation today. Our dentists will oversee your at-home whitening treatment to ensure the process is both safe and comfortable. Our team will guide you on how to safely apply the whitening agent to ensure maximum results and minimal sensitivity. We will also give you tips on how to keep your smile whiter for longer, so you can make the most of your pearly whites.